Dunblane Rail Station
Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd
Apr '14
12 Hour night-time possession.
£29,500 [Including Credits]
The Access for All Programme is part of the Railways for All Strategy, launched in 2006 to address the issues faced by disabled passengers using railway stations in Great Britain. The work at Dyce Rail Station will comprise the complete design, manufacture, installation, test and commission of a step-free access route throughout the station comprising the construction of one new footbridge and two new operational lifts with associated civil works, M&E and telecoms infrastructure. The works shall span platforms 1 to 2 at Dyce Rail Station.
Significant hazards included; night-time working during principal Contractor's possession time; unintentional contact with heavy plant as a crane was employed , striking buried services around foundations, working adjacent/over railway lines and platform buildings.
This Work Package covers the removal of the steel footbridge from over the rail & removal of 2 No. stone access stairs to 150mm below ground level.
Main activities covered were: A detailed Risk Assessment and method of work carried out for each location and item of plant which is working within the Network Rail boundary as per guidance note "Managing Plant Working next to Lines Open to Traffic".
Setup of Mobile Crane: 100T mobile crane with access station car park and locate next to footbridge with possession conifmred by coss set up and position over centre of bridge section.
Cutting & Lifting of Bridge Section: Site Set Up – Site induction for all personnel and task briefing. Setting up burning gear and gas, hot cutting holes at lift points and attaching chains to steel sections as per approved lift plan. Taking strain on chains with burners working under harness on each side, hot cutting fixings to allow lift.
Full inspection of all certificates for crane and lift tackle prior to start.
With men clear of lift proceed with lift, within radio contact with crane operator lift steel section clear of stairs to laydown area within car park. Cutting section into two parts and lifting to skip for disposal.
Lift Mini Excavator to Platform 2: With mini excavator positioned within car park attached chains to lifting point, lifted from car park over platform 2, lowered and released chains as per lift plan.
Demolition & Removal of Stone Stairs Platform 2: With banksmen in radio contact with machine operator commenced with demolition of stairs. Access stair, working from platform pulled walls & stairs away from rail side, worked from top down with stairs in a pile of rubble, commenced to load boat skip. By crane lifted boat skip adjacent to pile of rubble and loaded by mini excavator, once full, lifted back over rail to skip positioned within car park and repeated operations until all rubble had been removed. Reduced height to 150mm below ground level (hydraulic hammer as required), lifted machine back over rail.
Demolition & Removal of Stone Stairs Platform 1: Manually erected scaffold protection under stairs around signal box, fully boarded. With banksmen in radio contact with machine operator commenced with demolition of stone access stair, working from car park, pulled walls & stairs away from rail side, worked from top down, by excavator load rubble to skip for recycle off site. Reduce to 150mm below ground level.
Removal of the pedestrian overbridge structure was completed satisfactorily during night-time possession period and the removal of the ramps, stairs and buttresses completed satisfactorily during normal working hours.
Demolished materials were disposed of to a recognised, approved tip and the steel structure recycled after cutting to suitable lengths.
The whole of the Works was completed very successfully, on time and within the agreed budget.